
perjantai 19. heinäkuuta 2013

Kukkaisjuhla - Blomsterfesten i täppan - The Flowers' Festival

The Flowers' Festival by Elsa Beskow
Received on: 21 Jun, 2013
Distance: 252 km (157 miles)
Travel time: 9 days
Outi from Marttila, Finland sent  this cute flower card. She likes gardening, but at that time the weather was terrible, windy and rainy so she just had to sit inside, perhaps reading this lovely flower story.
Elsa Beskow was a Swedish children's book author and illustrator. She is often called the 'Beatrix Potter' of Scandinavia. The Flowers' Festival is a delightful illustrated tale of Elsa Beskow in which the flowers invite Lisa to their Midsummer festival. At the top of the garden, Queen Rose sits on her throne surrounded by Lady Pansy, Lady Honeysuckle, Lord Bleeding Heart, and the rest of her court, and welcomes all the guests -- the Vegetables, the Forest Flowers, and the Lake Flowers. The bumblebees and the birds each tell a story.

Today sun is shining, I think I'm going to my garden to see how are my dear Lord Bleeding Heart, Lady Purple Rose, Knight Larkspur and Peasant Black Currant doing.

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