6 Nov, 2013
Sirpakin pitää Rudolf Koivun nostalgisista korteista,
ja häneltä sain tämän kauniin ja tunnelmallisen joulukortin.
ja häneltä sain tämän kauniin ja tunnelmallisen joulukortin.
Rudolf Koivun korteissa taivas on sininen, joulu on aina valkoinen
ja lapset niin reippaita ja kilttejä.
In Rudolf Koivu's cards the the sky is blue, the Christmas is always white
and the children are so brisk and well-behaved!
ja lapset niin reippaita ja kilttejä.
In Rudolf Koivu's cards the the sky is blue, the Christmas is always white
and the children are so brisk and well-behaved!
The Life of Children between 1920-1950
To see more postcards click Beth's Postcard Friendship Friday
These are SO beautiful! Thank you so much for joining us for Postcard Friendship Friday. I just love this artist. Thank you again.
VastaaPoistaThese are beautiful - life as we think we remember it: perfectly happy.
VastaaPoistaLove the expression on their faces! I also love the cards with the birds :D
VastaaPoistayour cards are lovely. I have a contest on my blog this weekend to win a Canada card.
VastaaPoistaThank you all for your kind comments, I really appreciate them :)