
maanantai 22. helmikuuta 2016

Keijujen savupiippuja ja muita ihmeitä - Fairy chimneys and other miracles

Keijujen savupiippuja 
Hoodoot eli maapyramidit, Drumheller Kanada

Maapyramidi on korkea, ohut kivitorni hedelmättömillä valuma-alueilla ja autiomailla. Niiden koko vaihtelee yhdestä ja puolesta metristä 45 metriin. Tyypilliset maapyramidit koostuvat kovan kiven päällystämästä, suhteellisen pehmeästä kivestä. Mineraalit niiden erilaisten kivilajien sisällä saavat niihin aikaan erilaisia värejä. Maapyramideja löytyy aavikoilta usein kuivista ja kuumista paikoista.

 Drumheller Hoodoos, Canada

A hoodoo (also called a tent rock, fairy chimney, and earth pyramid) is a tall, thin spire of rock that protrudes from the bottom of an arid drainage basin or badland. Hoodoos, which may range from 1.5 to 45 metres (4.9 to 147.6 ft), typically consist of relatively soft rock topped by harder, less easily eroded stone that protects each column from the elements. They generally form within sedimentary rock and volcanic rock formations. 

Hoodoos in Drumheller, Alberta, are a distinctive feature that continues to attract thousands of visitors each year. The sediments comprising these hoodoos formed between 70 and 75 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period as clay and sand sediments from the Horseshoe Canyon Formation were deposited. These hoodoos are able to maintain a unique mushroom-like appearance as the underlying base erodes at a faster rate compared to the capstones, a rate of nearly one centimeter per year, faster than most geologic structures.

From Connie1, Alberta, Canada

Nova Scotian fossiilikalliot, Hiilikauden Galapagos

Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Canada
The Joggins Fossil Cliffs are situated on the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada. Designated as a World Heritage Site in July 2008, the site is described as the "Coal-Age Galapagos".

From Riff, Ontario, Canada

Kolme sisarta Australiasta

Sinisten vuorten merkittävin nähtävyys on nimeltään Three Sisters, Kolme sisarusta. Tähän liittyy myös aboriginaalien tarina – tai erilaisia muunnelmia tarinasta.

Yhden aboriginaalien uniajan legendan mukaan Jamison valleyssä asui kolme sisarta, jotka olivat rakastuneet naapuriheimon kolmeen mieheen. Heimolakien mukaan parit eivät voineet kuitenkaan avioitua. Miehet eivät hyväksyneet tätä ja heimojen välille tuli sota. Kolmen sisaren heimon noitatohtori taikoi sisaret kiveksi suojellakseen heitä taisteluilta, mutta kerkesi kuolla ennen kuin ehti loihtia sisaret takaisin ihmisiksi. Kukaan muu ei voinut peruttaa taikaa ja siksi kivimuodostelmat ovat edelleen kaikkien nähtävinä.

Three Sisters rock formation in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. The Three Sisters is essentially an unusual rock formation representing three sisters who according to Aboriginal legend were turned to stone. 

The Aboriginal dream-time legend has it that three sisters, 'Meehni', 'Wimlah' and Gunnedoo' lived in the Jamison Valley as members of the Katoomba tribe. 
These beautiful young ladies had fallen in love with three brothers from the Nepean tribe, yet tribal law forbade them to marry. The brothers were not happy to accept this law and so decided to use force to capture the three sisters causing a major tribal battle.
 As the lives of the three sisters were seriously in danger, a witch doctor from the Katoomba tribe took it upon himself to turn the three sisters into stone to protect them from any harm. 
While he had intended to reverse the spell when the battle was over, the witch doctor himself was killed. As only he could reverse the spell to return the ladies to their former beauty, the sisters remain in their magnificent rock formation as a reminder of this battle for generations to come.

From Oceans6, NSW, Australia

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