
keskiviikko 8. kesäkuuta 2016

Montreal churches

 Notre-Dame Basilica, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Received from Garth in Ottawa, Canada
Distance: 5,989 km
Travel time: 8 days

Notre-Dame Basilica  is a basilica in the historic district of Old Montreal, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The church is located at 110 Notre-Dame Street West, at the corner of Saint Sulpice Street. It is located next to the Saint-Sulpice Seminary and faces the Place d'Armes square. The church's Gothic Revival architecture is among the most dramatic in the world; its interior is grand and colourful, its ceiling is coloured deep blue and decorated with golden stars, and the rest of the sanctuary is a polychrome of blues, azures, reds, purples, silver, and gold. It is filled with hundreds of intricate wooden carvings and several religious statues. Unusual for a church, the stained glass windows along the walls of the sanctuary do not depict biblical scenes, but rather scenes from the religious history of Montreal. It also has a Casavant Frères pipe organ, dated 1891, which comprises four keyboards, 92 stops using electropneumatic action and an adjustable combination system, 7000 individual pipes and a pedal board.

Notre-Dame de Montréal on roomalais-katolinen basilika Montréalin vanhassakaupungissa, Kanadan Québecissä. Uusgoottilaista arkkitehtuuria edustavan basilikan rakennustyöt aloitettiin vuonna 1824. Sen suunnittelusta vastasi irlantilais-yhdysvaltalainen protestantti James O'Donnell. Hieman ennen kuolemaansa vuonna 1830 O'Donnell kääntyi katoliseksi, ja täten hänet voitiin haudata suunnittelemaan basilikaansa. O'Donnell on ainoa kirkon kryptaan haudattu henkilö. Rakennustöiden päätyttyä vuonna 1843 basilika oli Pohjois-Amerikan suurin kirkkorakennus. Wikipedia

Saint Joseph Oratory of  Mount Royal, Montreal, Canada

Received from Kelly-Anne in Montreal, Canada
Distance: 5,905 km
Travel time: 34 days

Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal is a Roman Catholic minor basilica and national shrine on Westmount Summit in Montreal, Quebec. It is Canada's largest church. It is one of the world's most visited centres of pilgrimage.

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