
keskiviikko 6. heinäkuuta 2016

Ilmen Nature Reserve, Russia

Direct swap from Nikolai, St. Petersburg

Ilmen Nature Reserve  that was created by decree of Vladimir Lenin, in 1920 as a mineralogical nature reserve. It is the site of deposits of many rare-earth minerals - 16 minerals were first discovered here, including Ilmenite (named for the site), Monazite, Cancrinite, and Samarskite. There have been over 400 mines in the area over the years. The Reserve's geological museum is one of the largest in Russia. The forest cover is pine and larch forest on low hills of the Ilmen mountains and foothill ridges on east side of the south Ural Mountains. The reserve is situated just north and east of the city of Miass, in the Chebarkulsky District of Chelyabinsk Oblast.

The Ilmensky Mountains. UNESCO tentative, Date of Submission: 11/08/2008

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