
sunnuntai 23. heinäkuuta 2017

Saint Petersburg

There are 342 bridges in the city limits of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Peter the Great was designing the city as another Amsterdam and Venice, with canals instead of streets and citizens skillful in sailing. 

Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge and veiw of Smolny Convent. 

The Bolsheokhinsky Bridge connects the Okhta area to the main part of St. Petersburg. It is well known for its arches and two observation towers. The bridge was first opened in 1911.

A familiar view of Saint Petersburg is a drawbridge across the Neva. Every night during the navigation period from April to November, 22 bridges across Neva and main canals are drawn to let ships pass in and out of the Baltic Sea into the Volga-Baltic waterway system. A calculated schedule with precise time of consecutive opening and closing for each bridge is maintained to guarantee passage of cargo ships and tankers at a precisely controlled speed, in order to have at least one bridge at a time staying connected to ensure passage for firefighters, police, ambulances and other ground transportation

View of raised Palace Bridge and the Sts Peter and Paul Fortress. 
Palace Bridge crosses the Neva River.

Alexander Nevski bridge 
The  Alexander Nevsky Bridge crosses the Neva River from beside the Alexander Nevsky Monastery to Zanevsky Prospekt in the Okhta Region.

Bank Bridge for pedestrians crosses the Griboedov Canal near the former Assignation Bank.  

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