
tiistai 19. maaliskuuta 2019


CZ -1406440
Old town Hall, Old Town Square and Rudolfinum
travel time 15 days
distance travelled 1,473 km
srnt by Helena from Prague

Rudolfinum is an im­por­tant ar­chi­tectu­ral mo­nu­ment of Pra­gue. The Neo-Re­naissan­ce bu­il­ding on the bank of the Vl­ta­va is as­so­ci­a­ted with mu­sic and art sin­ce its ope­ning in 1885. To­day it is a seat of the Czech Philhar­mo­nic, as well as the Ga­le­rie Ru­dol­fi­num and the re­cent­ly re­no­va­ted Cafe Ru­dol­fi­num.

Prague Castle with Charles Bridge 
Prague Bridges

To my daughter from her friend in 1987

Prague. Malostranské Square, New Castle Stairs, St. Nicholas Church, Renaissance House At the Golden Well.

To my daughter from her friend in 1988

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